Thursday, August 7, 2014

Course Syllabus (the fine print)

Prof. Stan Strembicki

Black and White Photography I ART1186 sec 01

FL 2014 V1.0
Monday & Wednesday 1:00-4:00

08/2514           class intro; exposure and development; assignment #1-The Black & White image 08/27/14  TBA possible field trip

09/01/14          Labor Day-no WU classes
09/03/14          film processing demo; students bring exposed roll to class from Assignment #1
09/08/14          slides for assignment #2 (“Street Photography-Decisive Moment”); lab time for film processing
09/10/14          contact printing & enlarging demo; students bring developed film to class
09/15/14          Crit assignment #1-The Black and White Image
09/17/14          Contrast control & Burning and Dodging demo -work day   
09/22/14          slides for assignment #3 Landscape of the Street
09/24/14          Crit for assignment #2- Street Photography/Decisive Moment assignment
09/29/14          Field trip to SLAM or TBA

10/01/14          Stan’s Life In Art lecture
10/06/14          slides for#4 Documentary photography-The Event
10/08/14          Crit for #3 Landscape of the street
10/13/14          Slide lecture for  #5-“environmental portrait”

10/15/14          No Stan (TBA)
10/20/14          fiber print demo/lecture 
10/22/14          Crit for #4 Documentary Photography-The Event
10/27/14          Lecture and give assignment # 6 Studio portrait
10/29/14          crit for #5 Environmental Portrait

11/03/14          Slides for studio assignment  #7 Studio nude
11/05/14          nude model in class
11/10/14          crit  # 6 Studio portrait
11/12/14          Slides for Self portrait #9
11/17/14          crit for assignment  #7 studio nude
11/24/14          crit for assignment #8-Personal Still Life
11/26/14          No class-Thanksgiving Break-lab closed
12/01/14          presentation, mounting and matting
12/03/14          crit for # 9 Self Portrait
12/05/14          last day of classes
12/08/14          final portfolio due today                                 
12/11/14          final exams begin                   
12/15/14          portfolios returned


  1. Exposure and development P/F
  2. Street Photography-decisive moment
  3. Landscape of the Street
  4. Documentary Photography-The Event
  5. Environmental Portrait
  6. Studio Portrait
  7. Studio nude
  8. Personal Still Life
  9. Self portrait

Final Portfolios:
You are expected to shoot film, perform all lab work, and final presentation. Students who use other students’ prints or negatives without attribution are guilty of cheating and will be referred to the Associate Dean for further action, and fail the class. Final portfolios consist of 10-15 matted or mounted prints, printed to your highest standards.  Portfolio may include assignments, may be thematic, or may just have 15 of your best images.  All prints should be spotted and ready for presentation.  All prints must be in something that resembles a folder or case.  No trash bags or loose prints please.  Label all mats on rear with your name and class.

Work will be graded in two parts, 1) craft and technique, which refer to camera handling skills, and print quality and 2) concept and creative solution to assignment problem.

Final grade comprised of the following guidelines:
                                                                        25% assignment
25% attendance and class participation
                                                                        50% final portfolio

Attendance policy:
Students are expected to attend all classes, in case of medical excuse, students are responsible for supplying documentation to faculty.  Excessive absence  (five unexcused) will result in lowering of grade, one letter and seven unexcused, failure of class entirely.  Students should plan on arriving to class on time. Excessive tardiness will result in a lowering of the final grade.

Digital Etiquette:
This should go without saying, but let’s say it anyway: you should turn off your cell-phone and/or other devices (iPods, etc) before you enter the classroom. If your phone rings once during class this semester, we’ll all laugh and I’ll ask you to turn it off. If your phone rings again during class this semester, we’ll need to have a talk.
I understand that your phones connect you with your friends and family, but the classroom should be a place apart, however briefly, from the outside world. You will learn more, in short, if you can concentrate on the class while you’re in class. If you’re really into your phone to that extent, consider taking my class this Spring 2015 “Cell Phones, Snapshots and the Social Network”, it’ll all be about the mobile device and making art.

Stan’s office number/voice mail:  935 8406
Stan’s cell 314 440 2894
Stan’s E mail address:

Class blog:

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